Monday, November 21, 2005

Strip Myroning

During the buildup to the negotiations for the renewal of Kyoto Treaty, Myron appears to have been demoted to mine industry duty. His job is to soften the public up to the new Bill rammed through Congress recently which allows corporations to buy public lands outright, for whatever purposes they please (making money now, not in the future).

In a dumb article yesterday Myron, the environmental analyst, was quoted:

"Earthjustice hates private property, and they hate mining. This will help the mining industry, and the mining industry is at very low levels now. It has virtually collapsed in many areas in the West. This could help revive it and create jobs out West."

The mining industry must also be helping to pay for Myron's children to go through college so they can succeed in an ecologically depleted world.

As usual, the name "Myron Ebell" is like a flashing neon arrow pointing towards a definite source of evil. For that public service alone, the Myron Ebell Climate thanks him.

So what's the state of the lies on this case? Apparently, publically owned lands in north America are terribly managed. Quite what this entails is hard to say. I don't think Myron knows himself. Maybe there are one too many park benches in the wrong place, or the roads don't get repaired fast enough to account for the damage caused by heavy SUVs, or the rangers sometimes forget to roll up the flagpoles at sunset.

What we want, says Myron and his friends, is to privatize them we can have well-managed strip-mines there instead. Sounds good? After all, who doesn't prefer good management over bad? You just have to not care to what purpose it is being managed!

But first, we have to manage the troublesome transfer of public property into those private hands. This is done on the open market. It's fair because anyone can stump up the money to buy it if they choose. Even the public, under the guise of environmental groups, can buy their own land back, if they think it's so valuable. If they really cared, they'd be able to come up with the money, wouldn't they?

Well, no.

The strip mining companies can always outbid private individuals' cash reserves because they can borrow from the banks in which those people have naively deposited their money. Corporate money, plus all that belonging to the people, is equal to more than what the people have, obviously, so they win. And why would the banks lend our money to a strip mining company rather than back to us at a fair rate? Why, for the return on investment, naturally. Money on loan -- ie money that doesn't belong to the person who uses it -- is far more readily available for strip mining than conservation purposes, because that money is got back. It is not an investment. It does not stay in the land. It's a Nigerian 419 scam that works.

As a supposed economist, Myron knows that money and property in the hands of corporations, and money and property in the hands of private individuals, are as different as cocaine and sugar, even though both are white powders that make you go zing.

As a bent lawyer, his job is to confound the two, and get his buddies past the police whilst writing the lies that the corporate owned newspapers are going to print.

Bring me this man's teeth and I'll throw them in the sewer.


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