Friday, October 07, 2011

Dead county register

As the nation's favourite news-clown proclaimed: The Obama scandal that you have been waiting for is here

Myron Ebell is, of course, on the case.

This from 22 September from the Orange County Register:
"One is a particular scandal involving this particular company and loan guarantee. That's very juicy and embarrassing to President Obama." He said it has been revealed that the U.S. Department of Energy had a "simple model showing Solyndra would run out of money in September 2009. They knew that before the loan was made." And that's just what happened.
From Jacksonville news on 26 September:
There are two things going on in this scandal, according to Myron Ebell, director of environmental studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free-market think tank. “One is a particular scandal involving this particular company and loan guarantee. That’s very juicy and embarrassing to President Obama.”

He said it has been revealed that the U.S. Department of Energy had a “simple model showing Solyndra would run out of money in September 2009. They knew that before the loan was made.” And that’s just what happened.
Further, it goes on with complete lack of logic:
Ebell also pointed to how, despite the government aid, U.S. companies still are lagging far behind [Comunist] Chinese producers of solar panels. One reason is lower Chinese labor costs. Another is that China still predominantly relies on coal-fired electricity plants.
In all his years, Myron has never had a problem with the huge turkeys funded by the Pentagon, like the $11billion crusader gun which was cancelled because it drove like a cow. That kind of spending on death machines that can never create any wealth.

Myron only hates spending on useful things, like green technologies. The one thing that would have really made him hate the Solyndra investment would be if it had worked and threatened his heart-warming ambition for the coal industry to kill as many of us as possible in the future.


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